Bug #11
opencppcheck_aux: Warning during initialization stage - probably not supporting native gcc 5.4.0 (for ubuntu16.04)
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/media/sf_Jonny/composerall-trunk/bilder/packages/ line 30: test: gcc: integer expression expected
During initialization on ubuntu 16.04. Line is
if test $GCC_MAJOR -lt 4 -o $GCC_MAJOR = 4 -a $GCC_MINOR -lt 3; then
I have:
Variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH is unset.
Variable BILDER_CHAIN = "gccgcc".
Variable GCC_VERSION = "gcc".
Variable GCC_MAJMIN = "gcc".
Variable GCC_MAJOR = "gcc".
Variable GCC_MINOR = "gcc".
In other words - since I have gcc = 5.4.0 as default, I have not downloaded a particularly old version to build stuff.
I think we should support this case.
Might be a good one for Nathan Neri?
Updated by Jonathan Smith almost 8 years ago
- Subject changed from cppcheck_aux to cppcheck_aux: Warning during initialization stage - probably not supporting native gcc 5.4.0 (for ubuntu16.04)