LaTeX packages needed by Bilder » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (John Cary, 03/03/2018 08:23 AM) → Revision 2/11 (Benjamin Cowan, 12/15/2018 04:40 PM)
# LaTeX packages needed by Bilder The same packages are needed on any system. The requirements change with Sphinx upgrades and documentation usage. At the present time, the following packages are needed: ~~~~~~ avantgar bookman breakurl capt-of charter cmap cmextra comment courier ec eepic environ epstopdf eqparbox euro-ce eurosym fancybox fancyvrb fncychap framed footnote gensymb helvetic latexmk lineno marvosym mathpazo mdwtools mmap mptopdf multirow ncntrsbk needspace newfloat overpic palatino parskip pdftex pifont pxfonts revtex4 rsfs siunitx subfiles symbol tabulary threeparttable times titlesec trimspaces txfontsunits txfonts units upquote ur utopia varwidth wasy wrapfig xcite xcolor xypic zapfchan zapfding ~~~~~~ For Linux and MacOS, if you have installed TeXlive per the instructions, you can do ~~~~~ tlmgr install <line from above> ~~~~~ for each of the above lines. For MikTex, with proper settings, the packages will be installed as needed, or you can use the MikTeX admin tool. Packages no longer available: ~~~~~ footnote gensymb newfloat pifont ur ~~~~~