Preparing a Linux machine for Bilder » History » Revision 15
Revision 14 (Jonathan Smith, 04/14/2017 04:03 AM) → Revision 15/88 (John Cary, 05/05/2017 06:37 AM)
# Preparing a Linux machine for Bilder __If all you need is python and sphinx__ (e.g., for builds of documentation), then you need only * CMake (probably present) * Python (probably present) * Latex as installed below and then you can add the arguments, -W python,cmake, and your installed Python and CMake will be used if your path is correct. ## Java Bilder on Linux At least one package (Babel) needs Oracle's java, so we recommend installing it. ## GCC It is often useful to get a newer gcc that has mmintrinsics. ## GCC Below are the instructions for building gcc-4.9.3. ### Make sure 32bit glibc-devel is installed ~~~~~~ yum -y install glibc-devel.i686 zypper install glibc-devel-32bit (SLES 11 SP3) ~~~~~~ ### Get the source packages ~~~~~~ export GCCVER=4.9.3 wget${GCCVER}/gcc-${GCCVER}.tar.bz2 ~~~~~~ ### Build Define CONTRIB_DIR to be your tarball installation directory, e.g., ~~~~~~ export CONTRIB_DIR=/contrib ~~~~~~ Usually CONTRIB_DIR=/contrib, but if one does not have root access, one has to put this in a user area. If one does have root access, one should execute the following commands: ~~~~~~ mkdir /internal /contrib /volatile chmod 775 /internal /contrib /volatile ~~~~~~ Unpack gcc, go into the gcc source directory, and build according to the instructions below. **gcc:** ~~~~~~ tar xjf gcc-${GCCVER}.tar.bz2 && cd gcc-${GCCVER} ./contrib/download_prerequisites mkdir build && cd build ../configure --prefix=$CONTRIB_DIR/gcc-${GCCVER} \ --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran --with-pic env LD_RUN_PATH=$CONTRIB_DIR/gcc-${GCCVER}/lib64 make -j 4 make install # Alias as desired. mkdir -p $CONTRIB_DIR/bin && cd $CONTRIB_DIR/bin ln -s $CONTRIB_DIR/gcc-${GCCVER}/bin/{c,g}* . ~~~~~~ ### Fix permissions ~~~~~~ chmod -R g+rwX $CONTRIB_DIR/gcc-${GCCVER} chmod -R o+rX $CONTRIB_DIR/gcc-${GCCVER} find $CONTRIB_DIR/gcc-${GCCVER} -type d -exec chmod g+rs '{}' \; ~~~~~~ ## Java Install Oracle's Java. Once it is installed, you will need to modify your path to include /usr/java/default/bin before /usr/bin or use the alternatives package: ~~~~~~ for i in java jar javac; do alternatives --install /usr/bin/$i j$i /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_16/bin/$i 3 done alternatives --config java # Pick 3 ~~~~~~ On SLES , Install using the tar package from Oracle, then change into the installation directory ~~~~~~ for i in java jar javac; do /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/$i $i <installation directory>/bin/$i 3 done ~~~~~~ where <installation directory\> is the absolute path to where Java was just installed ## Version control systems Make sure git, mercurial, and subversion are all installed. ## LaTeX Install the texlive-latex package. You may need to install other packages over time. For gui usage, see texworks: If you cannot install in the system area, you can download ~~~~~~ wget tar xzf install-tl-unx.tar.gz cd install-tl-20150411 (date might be different) ./install-tl -no-gui ~~~~~~ This is now interactive, so set * Set scheme to basic ** To do this type 'S' and hit enter. ** Then enter 'd' to set the scheme to basic. ** Type 'R' and hit enter to return to the main configuration page. * Set TEXDIR = $CONTRIB_DIR/texlive ** Start by typing 'D' and hit enter. ** Then enter '1' to change TEXDIR. ** Type $CONTRIB_DIR/texlive and hit return. ** To return to configuration type 'R' and return. * Set page size to Letter size ** Type 'O' and hit enter. ** Enter 'P' ** Return to main menu by typing 'R' and enter. * Install ** Type 'I' and hit enter to install. * Put your texlive in your PATH. ** Edit you bashrc (vim ~/.bashrc) ** Add "export PATH=$PATH:<$CONTRIB_DIR>/texlive/bin/x86_64-linux/" (enter the full CONTRIB_DIR value) ** Exit and save. Then source ~/.bashrc. To ensure you are using the correct texlive installation type "which pdflatex" and make sure it the one in $CONTRIB_DIR/texlive/bin/x86_64-linux/. If it is not the correct pdflatex, you may have to remove the system version (sudo yum remove texlive). and then ~~~~~~ for i in breakurl capt-of cmap comment courier ec eepic environ epstopdf eqparbox \ fancybox fancyvrb framed footnote framed fricychap gensymb helvetic lineno mdwtools mmap \ mptopdf multirow newfloat overpic palatino parskip pdftex pifont revtex4 siunitx subfiles \ symbol tabulary threeparttable titlesec trimspaces txfonts units upquote url wrapfig \ xcite xcolor xypic zapfding; do tlmgr install $i done ~~~~~~ You may also want to install some of the fonts, avantgar bookman charter cmextra courier euro-ce eurosym marvosym mathpazo ncntrsbk pxfonts rsfs symbol times txfonts utopia wasy zapfchan zapfding. ## Fedora The following packages are needed for Fedora ~~~~~~ bison glib2-devel gstreamer-devel gstreamer-plugins-base-devel libxml2-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel patch ~~~~~~ If you cannot install in the system area, bilder/extras/ may be modified to do what you need. You may also need ~~~~~~ libblas-devel lapack-devel ~~~~~~ ## Ubuntu The following packages are needed for Ubuntu ~~~~~~ ace-netsvcs bison flex gfortran graphviz graphviz-dev heirloom-mailx libblas-dev libfreetype6-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev liblapack-dev libntlm0 libpng12-dev libxext-dev libxrender-dev libxtst-dev libzzip-dev mailutils python2.6 python2.6-dev zlib-dev * ~~~~~~ * You will probably want a lightweight command line editor other than gedit, so "sudo apt-get install vim" or "sudo apt-get install emacs" * zlib-dev doesn't exist on ubuntu 16.04 - use zlib1g-dev instead. mailutils is necessary for configuring the system for jenkins. You'll be offered to choose: * Internet site * Internet with smarthost * Satellite system * Local only Internet with smarthost is recommended. The use of the following commands are helpful. To search for an available package dealing with a keyword, use: ~~~~~~ $ sudo apt-cache search keyword ~~~~~~ To install a particular package, use: ~~~~~~ $ sudo apt-get install libblah-dev ~~~~~~ Note: that development packages names typically end with "dev" not "devel" as in other flavors of linux. ## Suse Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) The following packages are needed on SLES ~~~~~~ bison blas-devel blas-devel-static libblas3 flex freetype2-devel gcc gcc-32bit gcc-fortran git glibc-devel glibc-devel-32bit graphviz graphviz-devel gstreamer-0_10-devel gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-devel libbz2-devel lapack-devel lapack-devel-static liblapack3 libapr-util1 (needed to build subversion) libapr1 (needed to build subversion) libneon27 (needed to build subversion) libpng-devel libssh-devel libxml2-devel mailx mercurial Mesa-devel python-devel xorg-x11-devel xorg-x11-libXext-devel xorg-x11-libXrender-devel xorg-x11-libs zlib-devel ~~~~~~ To get blas-devel, blas-devel-static and lapack-devel, lapack-devel-static on SLES 11 SP3 , add the Science repository ~~~~~~ zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install blas-devel blas-devel-static lapack-devel lapack-devel-static ~~~~~~ ## Vendor-specific version of graphics driver If you are preparing a Linux machine for the VisIt Visualization package, the vendor-specific graphics driver for your graphics card should be installed. By default, a generic graphics driver is installed. On Fedora, the generic driver is "nouveau". To determine if the nouveau driver is installed on your system, enter the command ~~~~~~ lsmod | grep nouv ~~~~~~ You will need to download and install the appropriate driver from your graphics card vendor. This generally uninstalls the nouveau drivers. ## NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit If you have a compatible GPU and wish to compile with nvcc code, you must first install the CUDA Toolkit. The linux installation page is ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Download the applicable file. Your Linux distribution may or may not be natively supported for version 7.0. You may alternatively use version 7.5 if supported or an older version if necessary. As an example, we will include the steps known to work for Fedora 22. On Fedora 22, download the Fedora 21 Local RPM package. ~~~~~~ cd <location of download> sudo rpm -i cuda-repo-fedora21-7-0-local-7.0-28.x86_64.rpm #<or whatever file you downloaded> sudo dnf install cuda ~~~~~~ Different Linux distributions will have different package handlers (here we use dnf, ubuntu has apt-get, fedora < 22 uses yum). You should now have the directory /usr/local/cuda-7.0. Add /usr/local/cuda-7.0/bin to your path. To ensure you have gotten the necessary components, type: ~~~~~~ which nvcc ~~~~~~ The output should be /usr/local/cuda-7.0/bin/nvcc. This will allow bilder to build GPU c++ code.