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Ted Sume, 11/06/2019 02:38 PM

Welcome to VizSchema-4

VizSchema is a prescription for specifying visualization semantics: the attributes that one must attach to meshes and dataset in HDF5 files so that the data can be visualized. Lately it is being generalized to define provenance specification: information about how the data was generated. Eventually this metadata will be separated, and VizSchema will be only about visualization.
VizSchema visualization has been implemented in a plugin (called Vs) for the VisIt visualization tool and in a set of python scripts that plot using matplotlib. There are plans (though not immediate) to build a plugin for ParaView.
For now, cross-file issues (e.g., mesh in one file with data in another) are not being addressed.


As of VisIt 2.0.0, the VizSchema database plugin is included with the VisIt distribution (source or binary). As a result, most users will be content with the copy of VizSchema that comes with VisIt.


The preferred method for working on the VizSchema plugin is to download and build VisIt from source code. This will set up the build system and will build the latest version of the plugin.

Tips for running remotely

Instructions for using as a remote viz server.

Visualization tips and tricks

Animating time series

General principles of VizSchema

  • The user chooses the names of any group or dataset.
  • One should be able to add schema data to any file to make it vizschema compliant.
  • VizSchema attribute names begin with "vs".
  • Instead of a group with attributes and one dataset, have a dataset with attributes.
  • Spatial limits go with meshes, as those determine locations.
  • Time goes with data, as a mesh can be used at many times.

Visualization semantics

Provenance metadata


Schema and Processing Tools Development

  • Schema and Tools Information for developers on the formal schema specification and related processing tools.

Sample Visualizations


Updated by Ted Sume over 5 years ago · 1 revisions